Friday, November 23, 2007

Derren Brown Change Blindness Examples


maxball said...

Because of your perception you do not always seem to notice slight changes. People do not always concentrate on an object that they are not interested in, sometimes their emotion can interfere with the way they percieve, for example, like the person in the video if the man is good looking, the lady may take a closer look at his face, but if he's not she would chose not to concentrate on his face making her unclear of what he actually looks like causing her to be completly oblivious to the change.

Anonymous said...

This video shows how people can be so aloof. Perception cannot always be depended on. Not everyone can concentrate on two things at one time.

Jon said...

The scariest thing that this video shows is not about how absent minded people are, but instead bow many things that can be missed due to people's awareness (or lack of), in the environment around them. Whereas it can be understood that people cannot see or focus on two things at once, it is still disturbing to think of how may important things that someone can miss out during the course of the day.

Anonymous said...

Through this video, we can comprehend that not all of our 'ways of knowing'are completely satisfactory to knowing the truth. These people are unaware of the fact that the most obvious change has occurred right in front of them, however, their perception has failed to function correctly, misleading them to believe that the person in front of them is still the same guy, with the same hair, with the same face, eyes, nose etc etc... Therefore, ít can be understood that a single component of the 'ways of knowing'cannot be utilised to acquire knowledge of the truth, rather, each of the four elements need to be consolidated in order to truly realise how stupid they are making themselves look. In conclusion, these people are doofs.